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About the GIFT Scholarship

                                                                  Outside of the family, formal education in primary and secondary schools is

                                                                      the single most important factor in the development of those social and                                                                                  academic ethics and skills that are needed by children as they mature and go

                                                                      out into the world to make their individual contributions to society.


The Gainesville Invests in Future Teachers (GIFT) Scholarship is a source of funds that provides an incentive to enroll in Georgia universities that offer 4-year teaching degrees. The recipient receives a yearly stipend of $1500 and on graduation an additional bonus of $1500 is awarded to support them in their initial year of employment.


​Motivation of Fund & Continuing Support


As students who were enrolled in the public school system in Gainesville, Georgia, in particular during our four years at Gainesville High School (GHS), we had the great privilege to be more than just instructed by exceptional teachers; we were mentored by them because of their dedication to the subjects they taught and to the students whom they guided. They led us with a combination of firmness, kindness and wisdom that we did not truly grasp until years later when we recognized their gentle hands in directing how we led our own lives and chose the professions that have brought us successes in all aspects of how we live.

​We want to honor these former teachers and we feel that we owe to them to encourage today’s young people, in particular those who are in their last year of high school. Some may be struggling to choose a future profession so we would like to motivate them to consider teaching as a way to make a positive impact on society while enriching their own lives.


​Applicant Requirements


Applicants will be required to fill out the common scholarship application provided by the North Georgia Community Foundation (NGCF) with their personal information, including that which will be needed to determine financial need, along with their high school academic record. Once this application is complete the student will be matched to scholarships they are eligible for. Then, for the GIFT scholarship fund application they will be required to write a one page essay that describes who they are and why they wish to be a teacher. There are also a list of questions that they will be asked to respond to.

​Academic record will not be a major factor, but it is mandatory that the applicant has been officially accepted for entrance to a Georgia, higher education institute that offers the undergraduate teaching degree. Teaching Certification Website


​Recipient Requirements


Once they have received an award, recipients will be required to provide a brief, written report to the board, at the end of each academic year of the college or university, which summarizes the year’s activities.

​The scholarship funds will be awarded to the recipient's school at the beginning of the academic year, contingent on the recipients maintaining passing grades and continuing in the program towards the attainment of a teaching degree.


​Recipients who drop out of school, fail to maintain passing grades or change their major from teaching to some other degree program will no longer be eligible for scholarship funds.

​Recipients who pursue a major or majors in addition to that of the teaching degree will still qualify for the GIFT funding

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