2021 Scholarship Recipient: Imelda Razo
Imelda's words about herself:
Growing up, I always enjoyed helping others. I have many enjoyable memories of helping others in the community. My passion for wanting to make a difference in the community expanded as I got into high school. I remember changing my mind on what I wanted to become when I got older. No matter the end result, I wanted to continue impacting and serving those around me. I remember saying in elementary that I wanted to become a teacher but I didn't really put much consideration into it until my junior year when I began to help out in the ESOL classrooms. My love for teaching truly originated from being there. My role model for wanting to become an ESOL teacher would have to be the teacher that I got to help out. Although I did not have her as one of my own teachers, she truly helped me realize that my passion and future was right in front of me the whole time. When I first walked into her classroom to assist, I instantly knew I wanted to follow her footsteps one day. Her style of teaching is one that I definitely enjoy and I hope to expand on it in the future.
As a first gen student, I want to demonstrate to others and serve as a role model that anything and everything is possible. No matter the obstacles, there is always a way through. Thank you to the GIFT program for giving me this opportunity to expand onto my career and do what I love.
My first year at UNG was a year full of growth and being able to determine what learning style was best for me. Fall semester I took all online classes which was definitely a challenge but I was able to get through it. Spring semester I decided to go in person and I definitely preferred it this way as I am someone who learns better face to face.
I earned all A’s both semesters and was placed on the President’s honor list. I was able to complete my second education class which I throughly enjoyed. The class allowed me to expand my knowledge on education and the critical social issues in the field that are not often talked about. I am very happy with myself and the outcome of all my hard work this past year. I am looking forward to fall semester and seeing all the new things I will learn about.
Update August 28, 2023
I started a parapro position at Gainesville Middle East. This is through ATP- Arising Teachers Program. This will count towards my internship hours required by the College of Education, which is great!
My first week of Junior year has been eventful. Definitely a bit stressful, but overall it feels nice being in actual education classes where there is more discussion about teaching.
Update May 22, 2024
I completed my intern position in a 4th grade class this semester. I really loved it!
I made the President's Honor Roll for Spring 2024
I have been accepted into TCRP. This is a Senior Residency program for UNG meaning I will have the opportunity to have my own classroom in August as a Senior. I will be teaching 6th grade math at Gainesville West Middle School. I am really excited about that!
I am also partaking in the CUSPSELL project over the summer. Here is a small glimpse of what that is: "focuses on supporting UNG preservice teachers in using culturally and linguistically sustaining practices to teach science and engineering to rising 4-8 grade emergent bilingual students from local schools". It is an intensive course and workload, but I am grateful to be given the opportunity to work with multilingual students and expand my knowledge!
Imelda is attending the University of North Georgia. Congratulations, Imelda!